The Writer, Be the Publisher - Amazon KDP publishing services

We know you are tired of publishers making claims about your book. So why not hire our Amazon KDP self publication services and retain full control of your book? If you are the one who wrote it, then you should be the one who gets to decide how the book goes!

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KDP Publishing Amazon Agency for Hire You Can Count On

We know it took you a very long time to think up an idea and convert it into a beautiful and entertaining reading experience, but your work is not yet done. Now you need to ensure that your hard work reaches the target readers you wrote the book for. And since you don't have any publishing experience, that can be very difficult to achieve all on your own. You also don't want to rely on the traditional way of publishing because then you will lose a lot of control over the book that took you months, if not years, to finish.

So what's the solution? It goes by the name of Harper Book Writers, the best Amazon KDP self publishing agency. With our professional Amazon KDP publishing company helping you out, not only can you stop worrying about professionally publishing your ebook on Amazon Kindle, but you also retain maximum control of your book. It's a win-win!

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Self-Publish Your Book on Amazon Kindle Today!

We love nothing more than helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms so that the book can serve its purpose. Do you have a book that needs publishing? Well, call us now!

Amazon KDP

Are you ready to share your masterpiece with the world? Our Amazon KDP Publication services are designed to make your book available to millions of readers worldwide. We'll handle all the technical aspects, formatting your manuscript and ensuring that it meets the standards of Amazon's publishing platform. Sit back, relax, and let us take care of the nitty-gritty, so you can focus on what you do best – writing.

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Amazon KDP

Your book deserves a professional touch. Our Amazon KDP Editing services ensure that your book shines with professional polish. Our team of experienced editors will work closely with you, offering valuable insights, refining your writing, and ensuring that your work is free from errors and inconsistencies. Let us elevate your manuscript to its full potential, capturing the hearts and minds of readers.

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Amazon KDP
Cover Design

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but a captivating design can truly make a difference. Our Amazon KDP Cover Design services bring your vision to life, creating eye-catching covers that captivate readers from the moment they lay eyes on your book. With our team of talented designers, we'll craft a cover that not only reflects the essence of your story but also stands out in a crowded marketplace. Get ready to make a lasting impression with a cover that demands attention.

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Amazon KDP

In a world flooded with books, standing out from the crowd is essential. Our Amazon KDP Marketing services empower you with strategic insights and proven techniques to maximize your book's visibility and reach. From optimizing keywords and book descriptions to leveraging social media and promotional opportunities, our marketing experts will guide you on a path to success. With our help, you'll have the tools and knowledge to promote your book and connect with your target audience effectively.

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Amazon KDP

Sometimes, holding a physical copy of your book is a dream come true. Our Amazon KDP Printing services allow you to transform your digital masterpiece into a tangible reality. We'll handle the logistics, ensuring your book is printed and shipped directly to your readers' doorsteps. Let your readers experience the joy of flipping through the pages of your work, bringing your story to life in their hands.

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Your Readers Are Waiting for Your Book!

Are you among the authors chanting, 'I want to Self Publish My Book on Amazon KDP?' If so, then you are just a click away!

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How We Help You
Self-Publish Your Book

Our Amazon KDP self publishing services have a professionally drafted process that helps us deliver the best results to each client. Let's break it down so you can understand how we do things!

Free Consultation

We start by listening to your requirements and offer professional advice using our years of experience in the field.


We give you a form that you fill out and return it back to us. This information helps us in understanding your vision.

Book Content Review

Now, you send us your manuscript, and our professional writers start reading and reviewing it to check for mistakes and errors.

Cover Design

On the other hand, our expert designers are busying in creating a book cover that will put your book at the center of attention.

Editing & Formatting

After reviewing, our editors and formators adjust the book accordingly so there aren't any loopholes and inconsistencies left.

Book Finalization

Next, we send the book to you so that you can go through it and approve it before we get to the publishing stage.


With your approval in hand, we handle the entire publishing process, so you don't have to worry about a thing.

Your Hard Work Pays Off

Now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the royalties coming into your bank account. Or you can start working on your second book!

Why Us & Not Somebody Else?

Because no one does it better than we do when it comes to helping new authors self-publish their books on Amazon!

Our Clients Love Us

There are usually two main reasons why a customer loves buying products or using the services of a certain business. Either they loved what you provided or the price for the value was very good. What happens if you give them both? Customer loyalty. That explains why our clients never leave us!

Tailored Solutions Meets Creativity

Nothing can stop a professional service that creatively uses custom and tailored methods to give clients what they need. And that's exactly what you will be getting if you hire the very capable and affordable services of Harper Book Writers.

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Skilled & Experienced

If you want the best results, you need to rely on the best to give them to you. We aren't just skilled at what we do, but our professional writers, designers, editors, and publishers are all experienced in their fields and know exactly what your book needs.

Nothing Hidden

The only thing that will be hidden is the part where we helped you publish your book on Amazon. Other than that, we are an open book, literally! When working with our Amazon KDP self publishing services, you can rest assured that everything will be made transparent to you so that you can make an informed decision.



Amazon KDP is a self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish and distribute their books in eBook and paperback formats. The process begins by creating an account on the Amazon KDP website and uploading your manuscript in a supported file format, such as PDF or DOC. Amazon KDP offers a range of services to assist authors in the publishing process. These services include formatting tools to ensure your book appears properly on Kindle devices, cover design options, and the ability to create print-on-demand paperback copies. Additionally, Amazon KDP provides access to valuable sales data and reporting tools to help authors track their book's performance.

Amazon KDP offers authors the option to enroll their eBook in KDP Select, a program that requires exclusivity for a 90-day period. By enrolling in KDP Select, you agree to make your eBook available exclusively through Amazon during that period. However, you can choose to distribute your paperback version through other platforms or retailers. This gives authors flexibility in deciding whether to reach a broader audience through multiple channels or leverage the benefits of Amazon's extensive customer base by opting for exclusivity.

Publishing with Amazon KDP offers several advantages for authors. First and foremost, Amazon is the largest online marketplace for books, with millions of customers actively searching for and purchasing books on their platform. By publishing with Amazon KDP, authors gain access to this vast customer base, increasing the visibility and potential sales of their books. Additionally, Amazon provides robust marketing tools, such as Kindle Countdown Deals and Kindle Unlimited, which can help authors promote their books and reach new readers. Furthermore, Amazon KDP offers competitive royalty rates and a straightforward publishing process, making it an attractive choice for self-published authors.

Publishing a book with Amazon KDP is free of charge. Authors can upload and publish their eBooks and paperbacks without any upfront costs. However, Amazon deducts a percentage from each sale as a royalty fee. The exact royalty rates depend on factors such as the price of the book, the geographic location of the sale, and the selected royalty plan (35% or 70%). For eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99, authors can qualify for the 70% royalty option, while books outside this price range fall under the 35% royalty option. Paperback royalty rates vary based on factors such as trim size, page count, and printing costs.

To effectively market and promote your book on Amazon KDP, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Optimize your book's metadata: Craft a compelling book title, write a captivating book description, and choose relevant keywords that resonate with your target audience. This will improve your book's discoverability in Amazon's search results.
  • Leverage Amazon Author Central: Create an author profile on Amazon Author Central, where you can add a bio, link your blog or website, and share relevant author updates. This helps establish your author brand and connect with readers.
  • Encourage reader reviews: Reviews play a crucial role in boosting book visibility and credibility. Encourage readers to leave honest reviews by including a call to action in your book's back matter or through promotional campaigns.
  • Participate in Kindle Direct Publishing promotions: Amazon KDP offers various promotional opportunities like Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. Take advantage of these programs to increase exposure and drive sales during specific promotional periods.
  • Engage in book marketing efforts: Utilize social media platforms, author websites, newsletters, and guest blogging to promote your book. Build an author platform and engage with your target audience to generate interest and buzz around your work.

Remember, effective marketing requires a combination of strategies tailored to your book and target audience. Experiment with different approaches, monitor your book's performance, and adapt your marketing efforts accordingly.

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